Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I have been asked to reflect on technology and how how has technology has changed my way of teaching since I started? What is the impact of technology on learning?

Technology has been something that I have always been interested in. I think that learning new things about technology is fun, and I like sharing what I learned with my students and the people I work with.

How has it changed? Do you know what a piece of chalk is? A filmstrip projector? A mimeograph machine? An opaque projector? An overhead projector? Today it would be a Smartboard, a video projector, a copier, an Elmo. That is just the equipment. Oh, did I mention that I still have Apple lles in my classroom. Old or new technology has always been around. It is a tool that you use to get your concept across.

Does the newer technology make teaching easier? Maybe. Students of today need to be taught with today's tools. Our world is so much broader and the processing of information more intense and complex. Expectations of teachers and their use of technology has expanded exponentially. Bottom line, like the dinosaur, adapt or become a fossil. But one last comment - I never had a piece of chalk fail to work.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

71/2 Habits of Successful Learners response

Below are a couple of reflextions on:

7 ½ Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind
I have always had trouble setting a goal and reaching it. I am easily distracted by “shiny objects” and get off track.
Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your own learning
Habit 3: View problems as challenges
Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner
Habit 5: Create your own learning toolbox
Habit 6: Use technology to your advantage
Habit 7: Teach/mentor others
If you can teach something, you own it. If you are able to put something into words and explain it others, you have mastered the concept. There is no better teaching assessment than to have the child explain their thought processes to you.
Habit 7 ½: Play

"Did You Know " video response

The video "Did You Know" is like a sweet tart. Sweet because of all the promise that it brings, and sour because of all the promise it brings. I enjoy hearing about all the advances, and I get excited and want the knowledge for myself. But two seconds later my mind instantly goes to who is going to make it work, teach me and others how to make it work, where is the equipment to make it work going to come, and who is going to pay for it. That is when I get tired and go watch NCIS. Encourage me.